
14 August, 2020


The Ancient Revivalist sir, you were that pattern stone that defined the shaping order of Pentecostalism in the middle belt, Nigeria. The inability of the church wineskin to contain the New Wine of the Spirit you received from the Lord birthed another phase of the Spirit move which was the evangelistic dimension. It was this dimension that navigated you outside the shores of this nation to various continents of the world with the undiluted Word of God which was accompanied with mind-blowing miracles, healings, signs and wonders.  On the account of a finished cause, you returned home ready for Divine transition to a higher realm of glory with a prophetic forecast: Expect the Unexpected. This is a great pointer that your departure is not a shock as many assume but is on the account of a finished Assignment. Rev you never died sir, death is not when a man’s eyes are closed and neither when he cannot breathe again. Death however is the inability of a custodian of a particular dimension of God to replicate into his protégées. We are the seal of your Apostleship. This means you have been immortalized as a spiritual ancestor because of the infusion of your spirit into us, your protégées. You have been prototyped into many within the country and across the globe. This mystery of spiritual ancestry is an eye opener that the worth of a man before God is not in the cathedrals he has erected but in the men that bear the mode of his ordination. On the account of this, we can boldly say your departure is a transition to a higher realm of glory and not death hence we that were prototyped after your order are still treading on the very pathway you pioneered. The Elijah school of the prophets, the proposed middle belt university and a host of other adventures you championed are the footprints you have printed in the archives of time and history. Adieu God’s General.

Prophet Terdoo Emmanuel.
General Overseer, The Sower’s Field Assembly Makurdi, Nigeria. 08036900583

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