(News) Benue Campaign Coordinators inaugurated


The All Progressive Congress is one of the major contemporary political parties in Nigeria (APC) today released a comprehensive list of its Campaign Coordinators inaugurated
with 17 members for BENUE STATE

The JAGABAN NATIONAL COILATION led by Christie Myem Mlan, the senate coordinator.

Assisted by Hon. David Idah Deputy Coordinator.

Below are the names and Designation

1. Christie Nyam Mlan | State Coordinator

2. Hon David Idah | Deputy Coordinator

3. Hon. Mrs Orkpe | Woman Leader

4. Hon. Elizabeth Ode Ujor | Deputy Woman Leader

5. Edward Gondu | Org. Secretary

6. Isaac Agba | Deputy ORG. Secretary.

7. Alex Avakaa | State Secretary

8. Stephen Yiyeh | Deputy Director Protocol.

9. Salome Kumbur | State Welfare.

10. Sharon Tofi | Deputy Welfare.

11. Teryila Apine | State Pub. Secretary.

12. Hon. Akwagwa Simon | Director Planning.

13. Adaa Ochojila | Zone Coordinator.

14. Kusugh Philip | Zone A Coordinator.

15. Hon Torgilim Terfa | Zone B Coordinated.

16. Barr. Cosmes Akighir | Coordinator Support Groups

17. Moureen Teryila Nomnor | Legal Adviser

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